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Doky Tool
A intuitive CLI tool and Python Library for manage your Docker-In-Docker instances
from Play With Docker

Any questions? Open an issue!


$ doky

Usage: doky [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Doky is a intuitive library and CLI tool for manage your Docker-In-Docker
  instances from Play With Docker Lab

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  version  Show current app version.

  User authentication management:
    auth me                       Show your authentication user informations.
    auth oauth [--provider NAME]  Request for an OAuth URL to authenticate with a provider.
    auth providers                List available OAuth providers to request an OAuth URL.
    auth token <TOKEN>            Set the authentication session ID.


Will you only use the CLI? Then install with pipx:

$ pipx install doky

Will you use both? Then you can install with pip/poetry/etc:

$ pip install doky
$ poetry add doky